Boeing Starliner Status

Boeing's Starliner Spacecraft to Launch on Critical Test Flight

Years of Delays Precede Launch

After years of delays and setbacks, Boeing's Starliner spacecraft is finally set to launch on a critical test flight for NASA. The mission, scheduled for later this year, will be the first time the commercial space capsule carries astronauts to the International Space Station.

The Starliner program has been plagued by problems since its inception. In 2019, a software glitch prevented the spacecraft from reaching the space station during an uncrewed test flight. Boeing has since fixed the problem and conducted a successful uncrewed test flight in 2022.

The upcoming test flight will be a major milestone for Boeing and NASA. If successful, it will pave the way for the Starliner to begin carrying astronauts to the space station on a regular basis. The Starliner is one of two commercial space capsules that NASA has contracted to ferry astronauts to and from the space station. The other capsule, SpaceX's Crew Dragon, has been flying astronauts to the space station since 2020.

The delays in the Starliner program have cost Boeing billions of dollars. The company has also faced criticism from NASA for the problems that have plagued the spacecraft. However, Boeing is confident that the Starliner is now ready to fly astronauts safely to and from the space station.

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